As we all know COVID-19 has impacted all of our lives in more ways than none. During the last several months, I’ve guided most of my couples through postponements. But some have decided that hosting an intimate wedding celebration is just the best option right now due to the given circumstances. I wanted to share with you all what I’ve learned and the reasons why I have a different appreciation and love for intimate weddings. This isn’t to say I don’t like or miss large gatherings and a packed dance floor, trust me, I really do. But during this crazy time sometimes you just have to deal with the cards you are dealt with and really make the most of what’s right in front of you.
A relaxed wedding day.
Of course, a timeline will still need to be followed but with less pressure and chaos, now you aren’t running from point A to point B in a span of 2 minutes. You are cool, calm, and collected. Soaking everything in, taking your time, and just enjoying every second of the day. You aren’t coordinating 100+ guests, instead, it’s just you, your partner, and a small group of your loved ones.
Being able to talk to every single guest in attendance.
Your guest list now went from 227 to 11 guests. A huge sacrifice because now you’ve had to hand-select those who are a priority. But the silver lining is, you get to converse with every single guest in attendance. You can take your time, enjoy the moment, and savor each other’s company rather than rushing or having to cut the conversation short because you’re late for your outfit change or next program item.
The DIY crafts and the details can get extremely overwhelming. But now with a smaller guest count, the sky is the limit. Take the time to design the details that mean the most to you. Splurge a little more on the flowers, cake, or dining experience. All of this will be a lasting memory for you and your partner but most importantly for your guests too.
For all my lovers who have stage fright and can’t stomach the idea of sharing their vows to a crowd...an intimate wedding celebration setting is your place to shine! I’m not saying go crazy and rehearse a novel but with things feeling a little more laid back now you can share your special vows with your small group of family members and friends.
Celebrating your love for one another.
I know this year hasn’t been easy. You’ve had to alter your wedding plans over and over again and you’re likely at the point where you feel burnt out and overwhelmed but don’t let that stop you from celebrating your love for one another. Most of the vendors I’ve been working with have been extremely accommodating during this difficult time. We all want a sense of normalcy and we all have the same goal in mind...to make you happy and to celebrate your special day. Make the most of it and don’t miss out on an opportunity to celebrate your love. No matter how small or big of the party, live it up to its fullest potential.